Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Types of Skin Cancer - The Differences and The Common Ground

Expert Author Gary H Harmon
Do a search for "the types of skin cancer" and you'll find lots of information. The 3 types of skin cancer most common, as you will find out are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma, in that order.
You can find it described in medical terms or simplified in the words of a layman. It's very useful for you to know how it appears and grows and see the photos of it.
I'll cover each one of them and tell you what I conclude to be of most importance about all of them, even the more rare types not covered here.
Starting with basal cell, it rarely spreads and grows slowly. It first appears as a small growth on your skin, often undetected at first. It doesn't usually pose a big threat, but in time it could.
Here's a little experience I recently had. I noticed a small growth on my jaw line. After a few weeks there was another little tiny one next to it. I immediately went to my dermatologist and it was biopsied as basal cell carcinoma. It was 100% removed by mohs surgery and found to have travelled about 3 inches beyond what was visible to the eye. GLAD I WENT! It had been invisibly there for quite some time.
The next is squamous cell carcinoma. It also grows slowly and can be hard to notice in the early stages. It can be more serious than basal cell in that it can spread inward to vital organs. It first appears as a growth and can be quite innocent looking. I had an experience with this back in 1990. It had progressed to a stage 3 and it took the entire conventional arsenal to destroy it,...Chemotherapy...Major surgery...and Radiation.
The third of the most common types of skin cancer is malignant melanoma, the most deadly. It can appear as a new mole growth, freckle or an existing one showing some changes. Melanoma can spread rather quickly to internal organs without being detected; therein lays the deadly danger. That is why you should see a dermatologist to have those moles checked out, especially when you see any changes. It wouldn't be a bad idea to go once a year if you're over 40 years old and definitely if you're over 50.
So you see how the three types of skin cancer differ, but pay closer attention to what they all have in common and that is GROWTH ON YOUR SKIN. You can go to the internet and learn what the different ones look like but keep in mind that they all are an unusual growth on your skin. Growth isn't limited to elevation alone; it could be a change in skin color, spreading of the discoloration or a patch of dry scaly skin,...anything unusual. It also may not match up with any description or photo you see. It's all cause for concern and warrants a visit to your health professional.
So the big message here is for you to play a big role in early detection by being aware yourself. Notice what's going on and spot it even before your doctor does.
And the good news is that they are all most highly curable when detected early.
Take control of your own health.
Gary Harmon is a 20 year survivor of stage III squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer. Much of what he says comes from his own experiences. If you want to learn more about skin cancer visit [http://www.skin-cancer-experiences.com/types-of-skin-cancer.html] or just go to [http://www.skin-cancer-experiences.com] He welcomes anyone who has had any experience at all with skin cancer, no matter what stage, to share their story on his site. Someone out there can relate to it and be benefited.

Can Tattoo Inks Cause Skin Cancer?

Expert Author Richard Miles
It seems today most people obtaining tattoos are more concerned about the quality of the tattoo and the effect of aging altering the tattoo, than any potential long term health risks. The health dangers associated with being injected by hundreds of needles into the dermis or the inner layer of the skin are widely publicised and most tattoo artists take these issues very seriously. We have all heard about Aids and Hep C, but are you aware of the current debate on the possible skin cancer risks associated with tattoo inks?
Recent years have seen an increase in stories associated with the potential of getting skin cancer from tattoo inks. Limited studies taken to date have not confirmed a direct link between cancer and tattoo inks..
Phthalates and other chemical ingredients used in tattoo inks have raised questions about the long term risks on our health such as skin cancer.It has been reported that some forms of phthalates are believed to have the potential to disrupt testosterone or mimic estrogen. Phthalate exposure has been identified to possible sperm defects and altered thyroid hormones. The phthalates in tattoo inks are believed to be cleared from the body within hours unlike many other forms of phthalate exposure. A study reported that Phthalates applied to the skin in a lotion were absorbed and metabolised and the same thing is likely to happen with the phthalates in tattoo inks. It would be well advised for pregnant and nursing women to avoid any exposure to phthalates.
Injecting tattoo inks, containing exogenous pigments, into the dermis creates a unique situation, due to the large amount of metallic salts and organic dyes remain in the skin for a lifetime. The potential carcinogenic risks of tattoo inks remain debatable. Several studies have identified the presence of potential carcinogenic or procarcinogenic products in tattoo inks.One chemical commonly used in black tattoo ink called benzo(a)pyrene is known to be a potent carcinogen that causes skin cancer in animal tests. As tattooing injects inks such asbenzo(a)pyrene directly into the dermis damaging the skin. You could conclude it may contribute to skin cancer.
Scientists and health professionals continue to debate the possible link between tattoo inks and cancer. In the last forty years there have only been 50 documented cases of squamous cell carcinoma, malignant skin melanoma or basal cell carcinoma with possible connections to tattoos, compared to the millions of tattoos obtained. Epidemiological studies on the effects of tattoo ink could be taken, although they would not be easy. A large number of tattooed people would have to be monitored over a long period of time to see whether they developed problems such as skin cancer near their tattoos. The low number of reported skin cancers arising in tattoos could be considered coincidental.
Further in depth studies will need to be carried out to give more conclusive evidence on the effects of tattoo ink and the cancer risks associated. The FDA is growing more concerned about the ingredients in tattoo ink. In the early 2000's, the FDA received a large number of complaints associated with giving and receiving tattoos. Since then the FDA has commenced more research into the chemical components of tattoo inks. The FDA is investigating how the body breaks down the tattoo ink as it fades over time. Is the body absorbing the ink or is it fading from sun exposure? A common pigment in yellow tattoo inks, Pigment Yellow 74, is believed to be a risk of being broken down by the body.
When skin cells containing tattoo inks are killed by sunlight or laser light, the tattoo inks break down and could possibly spread throughout the body. It is believed that tattoo inks could spread into lymph nodes whether this has unknown health concerns or not is still unknown. Our lymph nodes filtering out disease-causing organisms any interference in that process could have devastating effects on our health.
It is recommended not to have a tattoo placed too close to a mole. Changes occurring in a mole such as asymmetry, border, color, size, shape, texture are all warning signs of a possible melanoma or another skin cancer. Ensure all moles are left completely visible to prevent possible delays in detecting any changes. When a melanoma is discovered early it is usually curable where as more advanced melanomas are far harder to cure. A tattoo covering a mole could delay detection and be extremely dangerous even life threatening. If you get a tattoo, make sure it is placed a good distance from any mole. This is especially important for people who have multiple moles or dysplastic nevus (atypical mole) syndrome, due to the increased risk of developing melanoma, potentially within one of their moles.
It's imperative to be extremely diligent in caring for our skin correctly after a tattoo and monitor any changes that may occur to the skin. Our skin is the largest organ of the body and has many important functions. It protective us against injury and disease, regulates our temperature and maintains our bodies hydration. There are three layers to our skin the first layers is the epidermis the outer layer of the skin. The second layer is the dermis or the inner layer and the third layer is the subcutaneous fat layer.
Cancer is a disease of the body's cells. Normally the body's cells grow and divide in an orderly fashion. Some cells may grow and divide abnormally growing into a lump, a tumour. Tumours can be non-cancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant). Benign tumours do not spread to other parts of the body. Cancer cells in a malignant tumour have the ability to spread to over areas in the body, if left untreated. These cells can destroy surrounding tissue and break away from the original cancer, affecting other organs in the body. These cells can then form another tumour referred to as a secondary cancer.
Skin cancer begins in the basal layer of the epidermis. There are three main types of skin cancer basal cell carcinoma; squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Melanomas start in the pigment cells while basal and squamous cell carcinomas develop from the epidermal cells. Basal cell carcinomas are the most common but least dangerous type of skin cancer. They grow slowly but if left untreated, a deep ulcer can occur. Fortunately they very rarely spread to other parts of the body. Basal cell carcinomas are most commonly found on the face, neck and upper trunk. They appear as a lump or scaly area and are pale, pearly or red in colour. Squamous cell carcinomas are less common but more dangerous. They typically grow over a period of weeks to months. These cancers may spread to other parts of the body if not treated immediately. Squamous cell carcinomas appear on areas of skin most often exposed to the sun. They have scaling, red areas which may bleed easily and ulcerate, looking like an unhealing sore. The major cause of these skin cancers is sun exposure for years. Melanoma is the rarest but most dangerous skin cancer. It is often a fast growing cancer which if left untreated can spread quickly to other parts of the body to form secondary cancers. Melanomas can appear anywhere on the body. The first sign of a melanoma is usually a change in a freckle or mole, or the appearance of a new spot. Changes in size, shape or colour are normally seen over a period of several weeks to months. Melanoma typically appears from adolescence onwards, most commonly seen between 30 and 50 years of age.
Any sign of a crusty, non-healing sore, a small lump which is red, pale or pearly in colour, or a new spot, freckle or mole changing in colour, thickness or shape over a period of several weeks to months. Any spots that range from dark brown to black, red or blue-black should be checked by a doctor immediately. A very high per cent of basal and squamous cell carcinomas that are found and treated early are cured.
If you have any concerns regarding the health of your skin or tattoo seek professional medical advice immediately, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

How I Cured My Squamous Cell Carcinoma Skin Cancer

Expert Author Todd Boaze
I suffered a minor skin injury on my back during my younger days in the Marine Corps. The size of the injury was about 1/4 inch, and then grew to golf ball size - 32 years later.
Over the years, I tried every skin medication from various doctors. Some worked temporary, while others did not treat the problem area at all. Nothing seemed to work, until now.
It was on a rainy day back in December 2014. I was going through some old photo albums. I spotted something out of the ordinary with my grandparent's 8 x 10 picture. It had a bulge in the middle.
I peeled the picture back and discovered a folded piece of paper taped to it. My grandmother gave me the picture in 1976. I placed it in the photo album without looking on the back. At first, I thought it was one of her famous recipes; instead, it was a cure for my skin cancer!
My skin cancer is Squamous Cell Carcinoma. The area had grown to approximately 1-1/4" in diameter. In fact, the sore spot became blistered and oozing with blood at times because of the open wound. It was very difficult to keep clean sheets or wear shirts without staining everything.
On February 1, 2015, I decided to try my grandparent's skin cancer treatment.
This is how I did it...
Organic Coconut Oil (you can find this at your local health store).
Arm & Hammer Baking Soda (you can find this at your local supermarket).
For each application, measure 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, and put into a small cup. Mix it around very thoroughly until it looks like a white paste. For larger areas, mix full teaspoon.
Before applying it to the skin, wash the area clean with a warm washcloth, or take a warm shower.
Use the spoon to pour the paste over the entire infected area. Make sure all of it is
covered. Place a 3" x 4" waterproof adhesive pad (latex bandage) over the area. Leave it on for a 24 hour period, or less.
The next treatment will be the exact mixture of ingredients and application. Take bandage off, wipe the area clean, apply the paste with a new bandage. Do this for the next 12-14 days, or until you start to see the skin heal.
Unfortunately, I do not know how coconut oil and baking soda combined works as well as it does. However, I can say my skin cancer is gone. The problem area is completely healed and back to normal. Of course, this is not going to help everyone with his or her skin cancer. But, it might help somebody out there with skin cancer like mine.
Todd Boaze is a copywriter and a financial strategist.